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Transfer Site Regulations
Types of waste Accepted / NOT Accepted:
Both container sites accept household and business waste, including construction waste and auto tires.
Both sites accept white goods appliances and salvage metals. White goods and metals are deposited in dumpsters and recycled.
Both sites accept recyclable materials such as automotive batteries and used motor oil.
Both sites DO NOT accept human waste or syringes under any circumstances.
Both sites DO NOT accept asbestos or hazardous containing materials.
Both sites DO NOT accept trailer loads unless you call first.
Fees and Charges:
A) Base Fees:
One whole unit = 2,000 Ib. = Dollar amount set by Granite County Resolution 2021-4, or as amended by Granite County Resolution
One unit on each inhabitable structure within District is imposed base rate on their real property taxes. These are considered account holders and are issued a dump card per structure.
B) Overages:
Overage charge for account holders: Same per ton base rate set by County Commission.
C) Non-Account Holders:
$0.20 per pound regarding “pay as you go”.
D) Options for non-account holders who own land in Granite County:
Pay base rate for a whole unit the same as set for account holders for 2,000 pounds (receive dump card with number; entire whole unit must be used by customer during same fiscal year as remaining portions of the unit shall not be carried over to the next fiscal year); or $0.20 per pound regarding “pay as you go”.
E) “Pay as you go” customers: Must pay by cash or check at the time of disposal. Minimum charge is $7.50 for pay as you go. Hazardous Waste Activity Release of Liability Form must be signed by all customers (account holders and non-account holders) when disposing of construction materials. Scale Operators will attach the signed Hazardous Waste Activity Release of Liability Form to the customer’s signed weigh ticket.)
F) All unpaid fees owing hereunder for more than 90 days will be subject to a tax lien as allowed under Montana law.
G) Appliances, Other Materials Including Metals, and Burn Materials:
Refrigerators: $10.00 for refrigerant removing charge per appliance
There is not a disposal fee for used for oil, batteries or for other white goods and other metals at this time, but this is subject to change without notice.
There is not a disposal fee for burn pile material at this time, but this is subject to change without notice.
There is currently no recycling available through the Granite County Solid Waste Program.
Granite Disposal : Private Company not affiliated with Granite County, providing garbage pick-up service
Useful Links
The Granite County Solid Waste District operates two container facilities, one located near Philipsburg and one near Drummond. The district subcontracts the hauling and disposal of the waste deposited at these facilities.
Both sites have a three bay z-wall design. The Philipsburg site was constructed in 1993, and the Drummond site was constructed late in 1997.
Both the Drummond and Philipsburg sites are licensed as Class III Burn sites; each site has a burn pile for burning tree limbs and non-treated wood wastes(do not put painted boards, plywood, particle board, drywall or grass clippings in the burn piles).
The Drummond site is also licensed as a Class II Composting Operation (grass clippings and leaves are accepted for composting only at the Drummond Composting site).
We ask that good judgment and common sense be used by all persons who wish to utilize the Transfer Station services. Note: We are no longer baling cardboard.
Please call before bringing trailer loads.
No Construction Loads after 5:45p.m. in Philipsburg and after 5:45p.m. in Drummond
Account & Billing Questions:
If you need to setup an account or have billing questions, please contact Scott Rettig, at (406) 859-3831. The Solid Waste Office is located in the Granite County Treasurer's Office. Operating hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Granite County Solid Waste Policy
Philipsburg Transfer Site
74 Flint Creek Way
Philipsburg, MT
(406) 859-1002
Hours of Operation:
One (1) Attendant on duty
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Drummond Transfer Site
Hours of Operation:
One (1) Attendant on duty
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
John Kendall
Site Supervisor
Dump Totals