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The Granite County Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) is the designated department for writing, reviewing, and maintaining an inter-jurisdictional plan and program. Specific plans would include, but not limited to, the Granite County Emergency Operation Plan, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, Community Wildland Protection plan,and the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Plan. Along with Mutual Aid Agreements locally and with neighboring County jurisdictions as well as State and Federal entities.
How You Can Help
When disaster strikes, people everywhere want to help those in need. To ensure that this compassion and generosity are put to good use, keep the following points in mind.
Financial aid is an immediate need of disaster victims. Make financial contributions through a recognized voluntary organization or local bank to ensure that contributions are put to their intended use.
Before donating food or clothing, wait for instructions from local officials. Immediately after a disaster, relief workers don’t usually have time or facilities to set up distribution channels, and too often these items go to waste.
If you want to volunteer your time, go through a recognized agency such as the local CERT Team, American Red Cross, Salvation Army. They work with local emergency management personnel to determine what is needed and are prepared to deal with the need.
Organizations and community groups wishing to donate items (when requested) should contact the local DES before donating any items. You will be told where things are to be delivered and what items are needed.
Preparedness Tips
Disasters happen anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s a hazardous material spill, wildfire, severe winter or summer storm or a natural hazard — such as a tornado, flood or earthquake — you may not have much time to respond. The effects of a disaster or emergency can vary widely. A hazardous material spill could require an instant evacuation. A winter storm could confine you to your home for several days. Natural disasters could cut off such basic services as gas, water, electricity and communications.
Following a disaster or emergency, local officials and relief workers will be on scene, but cannot reach everyone immediately. Help could reach you in hours or it may take days. Your best protection is to be proactive and be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours.
The best disaster preparedness starts with personal protection and safety. An attitude of personal responsibility allows individuals, families and businesses to identify prioritize and mitigate issues that arise in disasters.
For information on being prepared or specific hazards please feel free to contact the DES office for additional information.
Department Contact Info
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 925, Philipsburg, MT 59858
(406) 370-5060
Staff Contacts
Western Montana Regional HMP Public Engagement Space - VirtualPlatform (
Granite County Local Emergency Planning Committee Meetings