Public Works
Clerk & Recorder
Community Services
Community & Education
Local Government
Fire Services
Social Services
Debra Robinson
Jackie Bolster
Public Health Nurse
DES/Safety Coordinator
Department Contacts
P.O. Box 312, Drummond, MT 59832
(406) 531-5442

Granite County Public Health department works to improve the lives of its citizens by providing fundamental health services and education. Within five years, Granite County Public Health Department will work to increase education and services in the County by effectively utilizing the grant budget guidelines and funding we receive in areas such as maternal child health, suicide and injury prevention, aging services, opioid addiction prevention, and immunizations.
Granite County Public Health Department provides Vaccines to ALL residents in Granite County. We are credentialed for most moajor insurance companies and have a sliding fee schedule for those that are under or uninisured. We request that you provide insurance informaiton prior to your appointment to ensure that services will be covered. We do not have hte ability to accept debit or credit cards at this time. Thse services are by appointment only, please call Granite County Puublic Health Departmetn to scehdule.
We are excited to be able to offer scheduled vaccinations at Well Child visits through Granite County Medical Center’s Philipsburg and Drummond clinics. These services are by appointment only-please call Granite County Public Health department to schedule.
Granite County Health Department works with the Department of Public Health and Human services on infectious disease cases within the county. Infectious diseases are easily spread by air droplets, body fluids, contaminated surfaces, food or water and animal or insect bites. The health department works to reduce the spread of disease by tracking cases and notifying individuals who may have been exposed. Granite County Public Health department is dedicated to providing our residents with information regarding available healthcare services or healthcare education. Please contact us with questions or concerns.
For additional information on COVID-19 Protocols please visit our Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) or contact our office directly. A copy of the Granite County Quarantine Policy can be found below: