Public Works
Clerk & Recorder
Community Services
Community & Education
Local Government
Fire Services
Social Services
Department Contacts
P.O. Box 925, Philipsburg, MT 59858
(406) 859-7021

The Planning Department oversees land uses within the County, including divisions of land, zoning and floodplain.
Divisions of Land – Creation of new lots, including RV/mobile home parcels, condo units and townhomes, are reviewed under the Granite County Subdivision Regulations. Exemptions for boundary relocation between adjoining properties and family transfers may be requested. For further information contact the Planning Office.
RVs and Rentals, VRBO, AirBNB – Establishment of more than one RV site for rental purposes is considered a subdivision under MT state law. Establishment of more than 5 rental units such as cabins, multi-family, apartments, etc., on a property requires review under the Granite County Rent and Lease Regulations. Please note rental units are not allowed on properties located in the Georgetown Lake Zoning District. Individuals that intend to rent the primary structure on a property under VRBO or AirBNB must contact the Tri-County Sanitarian’s office at 406-563-4035 before listing. This is a joint office with Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, so please inform the secretary that you are located in Granite County so she can direct you to the correct person.
Georgetown Lake Zoning District - Properties located within the Georgetown Zoning Area must obtain a zoning compliance permit prior to any construction, including dirt work. Change of use from residential to commercial must also be permitted prior to commercial activities beginning. To obtain a zoning compliance permit, submit the application, necessary sketch plans showing setback and height of structures, and $100 fee to Granite County, Planning, P.O. Box 925, Philipsburg MT 59858. Contact Planning office for additional information. Georgetown Lake Zoning District covers all properties located in Township 6 North, Range 13 West, Sections 28, 29, 31, 32 and 33; Township 6 North, Range 14 West, Section 36; and Township 5 North, Range 14 West, Sections 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24 and 26. Georgetown Lake Zoning District regulations are available online.
Granite County Floodplain – All properties within the floodplain in Granite County must obtain a floodplain permit prior to any alterations of property within the floodplain, including adding or removing dirt, bank stabilizations, construction, etc. Floodplain status can be checked by physical address online at Contact Planning Office for additional information. Floodplain regulations are available online.
Building Permit – Granite County does not have a building permit program. Building permits are not required by the County for structures. However all properties must obtain a septic permit from the Tri-County Sanitarian prior to construction. Additionally properties located in the Georgetown Lake Zoning District must obtain a zoning permit prior to construction. Commercial buildings, which may include multi-family housing structures, may require a building permit from the State of Montana. Contact the State of Montana at 406-841-2056.
Electrical and Plumbing Permits – All structures which have electricity and plumbing are required to obtain electrical and plumbing permits from the State of Montana. Contact the State of Montana at 406-841-2056 for more information.
Encroachment Permits – Driveways on to County Roads which are new, to be relocated or to be reconstructed, must obtain an encroachment permit from Granite County Commissioners prior to construction. Please contact the Commissioners at 406-859-7023 for additional information.